Q1. 課程內容為何?What is the course content?
A: 我們的課程強調華語聽、說、讀、寫四項基本能力,同時融入特色文化體驗活動。課程安排靈活,針對不同程度學員提供最適的學習計劃:初級班專注於華語日常生活應用,進階班加強實用對話和文化理解。透過華語文基礎能力訓練以及文化體驗,學生能夠在研習華語的同時,深入理解和認同臺灣傳統文化。
Our course emphasizes the four basic skills of Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing, while incorporating unique cultural experience activities. The curriculum is flexible and offers tailored learning plans for students of different levels: the beginner class focuses on daily Chinese applications, while the advanced class enhances practical conversation and cultural understanding. Through fundamental Chinese language training and cultural experiences, students can deeply understand and appreciate Taiwanese traditional culture while learning Chinese.
Q2.請問授課中文是教簡體還是繁體中文? Is the instruction in Traditional or Simplified Chinese?
A: 本課程旨在加強向各國人士推廣具臺灣特色的正體華語文教學,授課中文為繁體中文。
This course aims to promote Taiwanese-style Traditional Chinese language teaching to people from various countries. The instruction will be in Traditional Chinese.
Q3.請問課程有沒有年齡的限制? What is the minimum age to enroll in the course?
A: 學員需年滿18歲以上皆可報名。
Students must be 18 years old or older to enroll.
Q4.請問上課的時間以及地點為何? What are the class times and location?
A: 課程於每年的2月到5月和9月到12月期間,每週一和週四晚上7:00至8:30舉行。地點為Growing Tree Learning Center,地址:12220 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, Saratoga, CA 95070。
The courses are held from February to May and from September to December each year, every Monday and Thursday from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. The location is Growing Tree Learning Center, 12220 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, Saratoga, CA 95070.
Q5.參與這項課程可以得到什麼實際收穫? What practical benefits can participants gain from this course?
A: 學員除提升基礎華語能力與文化理解外,課程亦鼓勵學員考取我國華語文能力測驗,並協助學員參與華語文相關競賽及赴台青年研習與志工活動等。完成授課可申請學習證明書。
In addition to improving basic Chinese language skills and cultural understanding, the course encourages students to take Chinese language proficiency tests and assists them in participating in related competitions, youth study programs, and volunteer activities in Taiwan. A certificate of completion can be requested upon finishing the course.
Q6.請問課程的師資如何? How is the teacher for the course?
A: 本課程師資為台灣師範大學華語教學碩士畢業,具25年以上教學經驗之資深華語教師、曾任知名企業華語講師,教學經驗豐富。
The teacher for this course holds a Master’s degree in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language from National Taiwan Normal University. She has served as a Chinese language instructor for well-known enterprises and has over 25 years of teaching experience as a senior Chinese language teacher, demonstrating extensive teaching expertise.
Q7.請問課堂是否會供餐? Are meals provided?
A: 課程提供簡單輕便點心,以具台灣傳統特色點心為主,不提供正餐。
The course offers light snacks, primarily traditional Taiwanese snacks. Full meals are not provided.
Q8.請問是否有任何的優惠折扣方案? Are there any discount available?
A: 於指定日期前報名可享50%學費減免優惠,詳細資訊請見官網與各校區公告。
A 50% tuition discount is available for registrations completed before the specified date. For detailed information, please refer to the official website and announcements from each campus.
Q9.請問是否需要自行購買教材? Do students need to purchase teaching materials themselves?
A: 課程提供所需教材,學員無須自行購買。
All necessary teaching materials are provided, so students do not need to purchase them.
Q5.請問是否可以試上? Is it possible to attend a trial class?
A: 課程提供首堂試上體驗,如需報名請聯絡 info@gtlc-chineselearning.com
A trial class is offered for the first session. To register, please contact: info@gtlc-chineselearning.com
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